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una “spedizione eco-culturale” di una settimana per non vedenti e vedenti che vi porterà ad entrare in contatto con il bramito dei cervi, l’ululato dei lupi, la vita e la cultura delle comunità montane locali
Red Deer Roaring
Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise National Park, Italy
Red Deer Roaring
© Fernand Deroussen
Rolling Thunder
Red Deer Antlers Colliding
Italian Crickets at Night
Wolves Howling
Barrea Lake from Barrea
Barrea by night
Urban deer in Villetta Barrea
Curious chamois
Forests as far as the eye can see
Red deer in green mountain pastures
Brown bear
Heavenly light on the Fucino plain
Dead wood typical of ancient forests
Italian wolf on the move
Dawn on Monte Meta
Red deer
Fallen forest giant
Curious wild boar
Mountain stream
Barrea by day
Tree touching
Curious red fox
Hikers en route
Historical meal
Location of 2017 Accommodation
2017 Accommodation Exterior 1
2017 Accommo-
dation Exterior 2
Fireside dining
2017 Accommodation Interior 1
2017 Accommo-
dation Interior 2
2017 Accommo-
dation Interior 3
Sun setting over Abruzzo
The photos and video presented herein were obtained on-site, during previous field research by Tour Manager Nathan Ranc and during past tours. The audio files were recorded and generously contributed by audio-naturalist and tour guest Fernand Deroussen, naturOphonia.
€650 per studenti
7 giorni per
(voli non inclusi)
Documenti Scaricabili sul Tour
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Contatta il Direttore del nostro Progetto Nathan Ranc a:
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