Lexilogical Origin
Di-a-kron [daɪ-ə-krɒn]
The word Diakron is a compound derivative of two Ancient Greek words. The first, “dia” (διά), refers to the time or space between, and is commonly used as a prefix in both Ancient and Modern Greek to signify continuity or passage, similar to the prefixes “trans-” and “intra-” in Modern English. The second, “akron” (άκρον), refers to an ultimate and definitive edge or border. Diakron (διά + άκρον), therefore, literally refers to the time or space between definitive boundaries.
Its first letter is occasionally written as a “Δ” (Greek delta) as an homage to its etymological origins. Orthographically-related forms may include: “diakritic” (adjective), “diakronic” (adjective), “diakritically” (adverb), “diakronically” (adverb), and “Diakronite” (proper noun).