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Viva Brasil!
29 Nov. 2019
Viva Brasil!
On November 29, 2019, Directors Luigi Lafasciano and Andrew Gipe-Lazarou participated in the international conference "I Colloquium Ancient Images from Greece in the New World” hosted by the Embassy of Brazil in Athens, Greece. They discussed the application of Deep History to sensory studies of Antiquity by presenting the pedagogical framework of The Diakron Institute’s ongoing educational projects, with a particular emphasis on its Cultural Exploration of the Cyclades (in 3 Parts). “The colloquium is one component of the project Touching the Past, directed by Maria Cecilia de Miranda N. Coelho (Professor of Ancient Philosophy at the Federal University of Minas Gerais) and Erica Angliker (archaeologist, scientific member of the excavations at Despotiko and Research Fellow at the Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Studies at the University of London). [...] It intends to address many theoretical and practical questions, including the process of cooperation among scholars and/or archaeologists from Brazil and Greece, the manner in which the Hellenic past has been forged, and the Brazilian contribution to this process. Above all, it wishes to stimulate students and young professors to 'touch the past' in a collaborative dialogue between archaeology and related areas.”
29 Nov. 2019
8 Dec. 2018
19 Sep. 2018
The Diakron en España
9 May 2018
Jan. - Feb. 2018
22 Feb. 2018
31 Jan. 2017
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16 Sep. 2016
1 Sep. 2016
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8 Dec. 2018
Cambridge Welcomes the Diakron
On December 8th, 2018, Directors Luigi Lafasciano and Andrew Gipe-Lazarou participated in the international conference “Sensual Reflections: Re-thinking the Role of the Senses in the Greco-Roman World,” hosted by the Faculty of Classics at the University of Cambridge. They discussed the application of Deep History to sensory studies of Antiquity by presenting the pedagogical framework of The Diakron Institute’s ongoing educational projects. “The study of the classical past is currently experiencing a spatial and sensory turn, affecting the work of classicists, classical archaeologists, ancient philosophers and historians alike. Despite the growing number of ideas and approaches developed by individual specialists, so far the attempts to develop an interdisciplinary conversation on the matter have been limited. The aim of this conference is therefore to bring together scholars from a variety of disciplines and to create a lively and challenging setting for discussion of new methodological approaches to ancient senses.”
19 Sep. 2018
Arcimboldo Hosts The Diakron
The Diakron Institute presented its Cultural Tour "Cultural Exploration of the Cyclades (in 3 Parts)" at Arcimboldo Spirits and Fruits in Bari, Italy, at 7pm on September 19th, 2018. A public presentation by Director Luigi Lafasciano was followed by a jam session by local Funk-Rock band Bloody Married.
The Diakron en España
9 May 2018
The Diakron en España
On May 9th, 2018, Executive Consultants Alfonso Domínguez and Lucía Salmerón presented The Diakron Institute’s “Cultural Exploration of the Cyclades” in a conference at the Roman Theatre of Málaga, Spain. They spoke about how multisensory experience can inform our understanding of Antiquity and discussed its pedagogical possibilities, with particular reference to the value of performance for active learning. The conference was organized by the cultural association ACUTEMA (Asociación Cultural de Teatro Griego y Romano de Málaga) and by the Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos, as part of the III Jornadas de Teatro Clásico.
Jan. - Feb. 2018
NaturaSì Features The Diakron
Italian organic farming magazine NaturaSì features The Diakron Institute's Eco-Cultural Tour Program "Multisensory Immersion in Abruzzo National Park." The article introduces Project Director Nathan Ranc, explains how the project in Abruzzo was conceived and executed, and reveals the Institute's ambitions for the future of its eco-cultural tour program.
The Diakron in London
22 Feb. 2018
The Diakron in London
On February 22nd, 2018, Directors Luigi Lafasciano and Andrew Gipe-Lazarou presented The Diakron Institute’s project “Cultural Exploration of the Cyclades” in an international conference at the University of Roehampton in London, England. They spoke together about how multisensory experience can inform our understanding of Antiquity and discussed its pedagogical possibilities. The conference, called “Sense of Place,” was organized by the forum Sensory Studies in Antiquity.
8 Aug. 2017
The Diakron French-Connected
French newspaper "Le Republican Lorrain" features artist and illustrator Anne Bronner discussing her recent experience as a participant of The Diakron Institute's 2017 Eco-tour "Ursine Exploration in the Slovakian High Tatras."
State Tax Exemption
31 Jan. 2017
Maryland Comptroller Confers Tax Exemption
The Comptroller of Maryland determines that The Diakron Institute is exempt from State of Maryland income tax and will retain its exempt status as long as it remains exempt under provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.
Non-profit Status
16 Sep. 2016
United States IRS Confers Non-Profit Status
The United States Internal Revenue Service (I.R.S.) determines that The Diakron Institute qualifies for exemption from federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501 (c) (3), and further classifies it as a public charity. Donors can deduct contributions to the Institute from their federal income tax under IRC Section 170.
Italian TV Featurette
1 Sep. 2016
Italian TV Features The Diakron
Italian broadcasting company TG Norba 24 features The Diakron Institute in its 12.30 Edition on September 1st, 2016. "Different cultures and passions coming together to produce different perspectives: this is The Diakron Institute, a research institute specialized in inter-cultural exchange, composed of 15 specialists in different disciplines, from different countries, who want to share their work with non-specialists through experience."
Il Diakron parla palese
1 Sep. 2016
Il Diakron Institute parla palese
Local news outlet of Palo del Colle recaps The Diakron Institute's presentation at Rigenera. "Luigi Lafasciano, young 27-year-old archaeologist and native of Palo, and Andrew Gipe, Greek-American, presented their first eco-cultural project yesterday at Rigenera, and explained its significance within the context of The Diakron Institute of which they are directors."
Rigenera 2016
31 Aug. 2016
The Diakron Represents in Palo del Colle
The Diakron Institute presented its Eco-Cultural Tour "Multisensory Immersion in Abruzzo National Park" at the Rigenera Urban Laboratory in Palo del Colle, at 8pm on August 31st, 2016. Directors Andrew Gipe and Luigi Lafasciano introduced the Institute and discussed the program of its latest interdisciplinary project. The public presentation was followed by a jam session by local Funk-Rock band Bloody Married.
Abruzzo Tour Initiation
Walk Against Discrimination
25 June 2016
The Diakron In Dialogue with the Wild
The Diakron Institute opens online registration for its Eco-Cultural tour "Multisensory Immersion in Abruzzo National Park." The expedition offers blind and sighted participants an opportunity to experience the multi-sensory interplay of the natural world and human cultural heritage, in the Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise National Park, Italy. The tour is part of the Institute's "In Dialogue with the Wild" program which organizes accessible nature expeditions. Its mission is to investigate the relationship between the natural world and human activity; to consider the value of an appreciation for the "wild," and to explore socio-cultural phenomena which reconcile the human with the natural.
21 Mar. 2016
The Diakron to Walk Against Discrimination
In recognition of the International Day Against Racism on March 21st, 2016, The Diakron Institute joined an international assembly of socially-conscious organizations and individuals, recognized for their active dedication to human rights advocacy, for an organized walk through Athens from the Greek Parliament to the Acropolis. This event was led by the Greek Forum of Migrants and was open to the public.
Haben to Represent Diakron
27 Jan. 2016
Haben Girma to Represent The Diakron in Athens
Deaf-blind activist and Diakron consultant Haben Girma has accepted an invitiation from the Greek Forum of Migrants, an immigration network based in Athens, Greece, to be the keynote speaker at the International Day of Refugees event on June 20th, 2016. She will discuss issues of migration and disability with local political leadership, and advocate the inclusion of people with disabilities in the Greek community. Diakron Director Andrew Gipe will accompany Haben as a translator and interpreter for the duration of her stay in Greece.
Diakron Incorporated
4 Jan. 2016
Diakron Incorporated in the State of Maryland
On November 18, 2015 in the historical center of Salerno, Italy, Luigi Lafasciano and Andrew Gipe sign The Diakron Institute's Articles of Incorporation. On January 4, 2016, the filing of these articles is accepted by the State of Maryland in the United States, and The Diakron Institute Inc. becomes a legal entity.
A Collaboration Assembles
18 Nov. 2015
A Multi-Cultural Collaboration Assembles
Diakron Founders and Directors Luigi Lafasciano and Andrew Gipe co-ordinate the virtual assembly of professionals and specialists from 11 different countries across 5 continents at
Goats Inspire Diakron
23 Jul. 2014
Goats Inspire Conception of The Diakron
While traveling through Crete in July of 2014, Luigi Lafasciano and Andrew Gipe carefully reflect on their communication with goats. On the 5th day of their journey, after hiking the full 18 kilometers of the Samaria schism, they rest their weary legs at a tavern in Agia Roumeli. Along the southern cliffs of Lefka Ori, with bellies full of Cretan spice, a full-blue view of the Mediterranean Sea, and the perceptible proximity of the African continent, two mortal men conceive of a multi-cultural collaboration and the gods laugh. The acute chink of glasses followed by the searing penetration of local elixir gives ritual resolution to their proud determination and humble intentions, and the goats are none the wiser...
TAGS: Crete, Samaria Gorge, Luigi Lafasciano, Andrew Gipe
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